International HACCP Alliance Logo

In this two-day HACCP Training class, individuals are educated in the principles of HACCP and the methods to develop, implement, and maintain a HACCP plan for their operations. This training is accredited by the International HACCP Alliance, additionally all participants who complete both days of the class will receive a certificate of completion bearing the gold seal of the International HACCP Alliance.

Moreover, we offer these classes in either English or Spanish and we look forward to scheduling your training in your preferred language.

What Is Covered In Our HACCP Training?

The Five Preliminary Steps of HACCP

  • Assemble the HACCP team
  • Describe the food and its distribution
  • Describe the intended use and consumers of the food
  • Develop a flow diagram which describes the process
  • Verify the flow diagram

The Seven Principles of HACCP

  • Hazard analysis
  • Determine the Critical Control Points (CCP’s)
  • Establish critical limits
  • Establish monitoring procedures
  • Establish corrective actions
  • Establish verification procedures
  • Establish record-keeping and documentation procedures

Additional Topics Covered

  • HACCP and Regulatory Agencies
  • Managing of HACCP plans as an integral part of the operations
  • Training
  • HACCP team member responsibilities
  • HACCP plan review and update

How Is Our Training Delivered?

  • This is an instructor led class with hands on learning, exercises, and class discussion.
  • In our exercises we utilize the participants own products and processes and walk them through the development of a HACCP plan.
  • In addition participants are encouraged to take notes and ask questions.
  • We also administer a quiz to ensure understanding of the training material delivered at the end of the class.
  • A certificate of completion is issued upon successful completion of the two-day training.