Vegan Verified™

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Vegan Verified products cannot contain any animal by-products or be tested on animals in any way.

You can count on us to stand by our rigorous processes and procedures before we verify anything vegan.

Providing vegan food means no animal products whatsoever may be used in its production.

Avoiding the obvious foods like meat, dairy, and eggs may seem easy to accomplish, but what about the hidden animal products? Did you know that L-cysteine, a common dough conditioner, can come from animals? How about that red food dye, are you sure it isn’t animal-sourced? You’ll need to make sure every single ingredient is free from animal sources. We take the guesswork out of veganism with our new Vegan Verification. We go above and beyond the norm to ensure that your products are meeting the demands of the most dedicated vegans.

Some vegan certifications stop at the inclusion of animal products in the food with the standard ISO 23662, but veganism goes beyond that. And so do we.

When a product is Vegan Verified™ by us, we guarantee that no animal products were used at all in the production of that food product. This means no processing aids that may not be in the final product, like bone char for refined sugar, can be used. No animal testing is permitted according to our rigorous standards, nor is animal labor exploitation allowed. Additionally, the packaging must also be vegan, meaning no animal-based glues or waxes.

Vegan Verified™ Standards Summary

  • Products, specific specification sheets, and supplier statements so that they may be properly vetted.
  • Supplier statements ensuring that no animal products were used in the manufacturing of their food.
  • Supplier documents stating that no ingredient had been tested on animals.
  • Supplier statements ensuring no products were produced using animal labor.
  • Supplier statements ensuring no animal products were used in the manufacturing of packaging.
  • Supplier statements ensuring no animal derived GMOs were used.
  • Manufacturer or Kitchen documentation stating what procedures are in place to avoid cross contact.
  • Additional testing if required

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